About the CIMUSET Award

The CIMUSET Award was established on the belief that science and technology museums and science centres can change people and societies and thus contribute to the creation of a more equal, sustainable, and peaceful world.

Grounded on the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development, nominated projects must highlight how the project contributes to the development of a more sustainable future.

With the evolving landscape of museums and the profound impact they share in building communities, the CIMUSET Award stands as a sign of distinction within the realm of science and technology museums and science centres.

Embracing the essence of contemporary museum paradigms, the CIMUSET Award not only celebrates excellence but also reflects a deep commitment to the dynamic new definition of a museum.  – “A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.

By honouring institutions and individuals who go beyond conventional boundaries, the CIMUSET Award acknowledges the profound role science museums play in cultivating a sense of shared heritage, fostering inclusivity, and promoting sustainability and highlighting innovative projects that showcase new hybrid museological practices.

In doing so, the CIMUSET Award aligns itself with the progressive spirit of museums as not merely repositories of objects, but as vibrant hubs that engage, educate, and reflect the diverse tapestry of human experience, and promotes the  pivotal role museums play in advancing knowledge, facilitating enjoyment, encouraging reflection, and, above all, promoting the collective well-being of societies and humans worldwide.

Eligible, criteria, and how to apply.

Learn more about the nominated and winning projects in 2023 and in 2022.

The CIMUSET Award is supported by ICOM.

Evaluation committee 2024

  • Klaus Staubermann, Founding Director of German Port Museum, Germany​
  • Markita Franulić, Director of Technical Museum Nikola Tesla, Croatia​
  • Kim Khayoung, Senior Curator, National Aviation Museum of Korea, Korea​
  • Monique Horth, Vice-President, Collection, Research and Corporate Governance, Ingenium, Canada​
  • Diego Vas Bevilaque, Deputy Director for Cultural Heritage and Science Communication, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil​
  • Jacob Thorek Jensen, Curator, Danish Museum of Science and Technology, Denmark​