CIMUSET Conference 2024

CIMUSET Conference 2024: Within the Digital. Opportunities and Challenges in Science Museums

Dates: 1-6 September 2024
Venue: Technical Museum in Vienna, Austria

Museums are in constant transformation to remain relevant in the digital age. Therefore, museums are increasingly conquering the digital space as a democratic and inclusive field of action.

The new museum definition adopted in 2022 states that museum research, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. How do we deal with intangible, ephemeral and born digital materials? The new definition also emphasizes that museums are accessible and work with participation of communities. How can we enable this within the digital?

How do museums of science and technology embrace transformational opportunities, face challenges, and push the boundaries within the fast-moving digital world? The 51st CIMUSET Conference 2024 in Vienna invites you to present, discuss, exchange, and find solutions.  

Key dates

  • 26 January: Launch of the call for papers
  • 8 April: Deadline for submissions for the call for papers
  • Early May: Notification of acceptance for abstracts and sessions
  • 17 May: Registration opens
  • June: Announcement of the program
  • 1 September: Museum visits in Vienna
  • 2-4 September: Conference
  • 5 September:Excursion to Ars Electronica Linz
  • 6 September: Possible stay at Ars Electronica in Linz or visit Vienna museums


Please visit the official conference webpage to sign up for the conference.

Call for papers

We invite you to submit proposals in two broad themes.

Session 1 – Collections and archives in the digital space

How to decide for the right strategy? Digital collections and content – adaptation to the requirements of this specific type of subject and material. Managing the creation of digital collections and long-term preservation of digital culture. Developing internationally coordinated collection strategies. Establishing and sharing technical infrastructure. Fulfilling a public mission within commercial, licensing and ethical constraints. Intangible Heritage Education.

Session 2 – Accessibility & Inclusion of the digital in museums

How are science museum harnessing the power of digital to build more inclusive and accessible experiences and workplaces? Creating a safe and democratic space in museums through digital media and online tools. Leadership and ethical principles, open communication with the public and education of the museum professionals. Including gender or ethnicity as intersection. Shifting perspectives by collecting user generated content.

Common themes to be addressed during the conference

How can science museums play a vital role in bridging science and society? How are museum practices evolving by digital technologies and how, in turn, does this affect our theoretical principles? 


The three days conference will offer lectures, panel discussions but workshops based on specific case-studies and/or specific relevant questions in digital management, collection, preservation, education and marketing. These workshops continue to delve deeper into the topics raised by the presentations with the idea of sharing real experiences and practices.  Workshops are integrated into the conference and don’t require registration in advance.

Submission guidelines

  • Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words and in pdf format
  • 10 minutes presentations
  • All submissions will be vetted by the Review Committee
  • Submitters will be notified, via email, by the Review Committee regarding the acceptance or rejection of their abstract
  • No individual may present more than one paper
  • Co-authors and co-presenters must be defined when submitting your abstract
  • The official language of the conference is English

The following information must be included with the abstract proposal

  • Email
  • Author(s)
  • Institution(s)
  • ICOM membership number (membership is not required, but recommended)
  • CIMUSET member yes/no
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Participating session
  • Technical requirements for the proposed presentation

Please download and use this form to fill in your abstract.

All submissions must be send to:

Deadline was on: 8 April 2024.

The papers will be published as open access Post Print by Technisches Museum Wien and CIMUSET, including the presented papers and summaries from the case study-workshops.

Registration and grants

Early registration fees until the 1st of July 2024:

  • ICOM member country 1 + 2: 350 € (Meals, coffee, documentation, bag, etc.)
  • Non-ICOM members: 400 €
  • Students: 100 €
  • ICOM member country 3 + 4 + 5 : 250 € (Meals, coffee, documentation, bag, etc.)
  • Non-ICOM members: 300 €
  • Students: 100 €

Registration fees after the 1st of July 2024:

  • ICOM member country 1 + 2: 400 € (Meals, coffee, documentation, bag, etc.)
  • Non-ICOM members: 450 €
  • Students: 150 €
  • ICOM member country 3 + 4 + 5: 300 € (Meals, coffee, documentation, bag, etc.)
  • Non-ICOM members: 350 €
  • Students: 150 €

Registration Cancellation Policies: Cancellations received 30 days before the conference will receive an 80% refund of fees paid. Cancellations received after that will receive no refund. Cancellations must be submitted in order to receive any possible reimbursement.